Sheriff says Taser incident blown out of proportion
Today in our neighbor newspaper, the Kentucky New Era, Todd County Sheriff W.D. "Billy" Stokes said the whole alleged situation concerning a Logan County man filing a criminal complaint over handicapped parking and an alleged incident where the man says he was threatened by Stokes with a Taser has been blown out of proportion.
That seems odd to us since the situation is very serious and should be treated that way. If it wasn't a serious situation then why did it come to criminal charges possibly being brought against the Todd County's sheriff?
Could it have been resolved that night? Could Stokes have just moved his vehicle when the man complained?
If this was any other political figure in Todd County would it not be just as serious a situation?
Can anyone explain how this is not something that shouldn't be reported and given the attention it will get not only here in Todd County, but in Hopkinsville, Russellville and all over the state?
We are perplexed to say the least!
Labels: Sheriff