Thursday, June 10, 2010

Nuisance Ordinance

Here is the hard copy of the proposed Nuisance Ordinance. Tell us what you think.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The words here are too small to read. I think this ordinance is a nuisance and just another example of "big brother" (a.k.a. the government) telling us what to do. What will they decide to control in our lives next?
If I may change the topic, does anyone know how Mr. Malcolm Rust's hearing in Frankfort turned out? Hopefully the hearing results will be in the newspaper.

12:29 PM, June 17, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It makes one wonder what else our government will do next to control us. Is it just me or does this remind anyone else of socialism (a.k.a. communism)?

3:45 PM, June 18, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or let's talk about Mr. Allen letting more inmates out!!!!

2:08 PM, June 25, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or let's talk about how well the useless Elkton police directed traffic and helped everyone get out of the high school parking lot after the July 4th fireworks last Saturday night!!! Talk about a real nuisance!!!

2:17 PM, July 05, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No matter what kind of security you have if a Deputy doesn't do his/her job Inmates will to address the comment above let's talk about our Jail having one of the lowest paid Deputies in the State...better pay equals better qualified Deputies.

10:16 AM, July 07, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better paid and better trained!!! I do believe we had a candidate that said she would train them better, but Todd County put the same guy back in....

8:08 AM, July 09, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it fair that some receive raises while others do not at the jail?

8:42 AM, July 10, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people commenting on the earliest portion of this board are probably the ones with junkers sitting out in their yards with grass grown up around them and are afraid that they will actually have to clean up their messes for once in their lives. Look, we as Todd Countians truly appreciate our county and would rather it not look like a junkyard. I fully support this act of legislation and many of my friends do to. This has nothing to do with "big brother," in fact, you calling it that is quite amusing. It's about time our county put measures in place such as this to help clean up the garbage that the lazy refuse to clean. Squaller isn't healthy. We don't want to live in your squaller and for your own good, you shouldn't either.

12:40 AM, July 27, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They should add a section in this nuisance ordinance for those who think they can squander land for personal gain. They are a nuisance!I pray nightly for a girl, that those Dickersons will leave her alone and allow her to live in peace. I've never heard of such bad taste for a family to gang up on poor woman. She has a right to the property she owns and just because the bank wants them to get a clearance of right of way to make their loan does NOT give them the right to take her to court to seize it at an unfair price for their own personal gain. I hope that family gets what's coming to them and that they get sued for court cost. They're nothing but white-trash and unrespectable. I feel sorry for the woman selling them her farm. She's under the illusion that they're good people and should be informed.

1:27 PM, August 18, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about an ordinance that prohibits go kart tracks being built down the road from our peacefull country living? Your going to make a look bad to the public ordinance but the traffic and noise down my dead end road is ok? I vote the track owner can't he is a convicted felon. Make me an ordinance!

10:39 PM, February 28, 2011  

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